Blavatsky Blogger

Taking Theosophical
into the 21st

and the Occult
to C W Leadbeater,
H P Blavatsky
claimed that German chancellor Otto Von
used occult practice to assist a Prussian
against France
in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870

Von Bismarck
- 1898
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This extract comes from C W
Leadbeater’s “An
Occult View of the War” which was written during and about World War One. It
contains some strong anti-German sentiment. After a tirade against the Germans,
he is speaks of Otto Von Bismarck 1815 - 98, the German Chancellor from 1862 –
90, denouncing him as an apostle of evil and outlining a claim made by H P
Blavatsky that he was an occultist and used occult practice to assist a
Prussian Victory against France in the Franco – Prussian War of 1870.
of their intense pride, because of the teaching of brutality and of force, (of
blood and iron instead of the law of love and because of the low level of
general morality which is the direct consequence of such teaching, they have
laid themselves open to this dreadful obsession, and some of the great Lords of
the Dark Face have again taken their place among them.
Prince Bismarck was such a one, While
he was still alive he laid his-plans for the subjugation of Europe.
You may be thankful he has not survived till the present, for plans were far
wiser than those of the men who have followed him. Long ago Madame Blavatsky
explained to us that he had considerable occult knowledge, and that before-the
war with France in 1870 he had traveled physically to certain points to the
north, the south, the east and the west of France, and had there east spells of
some sort, or made magnetic centers, with the object of preventing effective
resistance to the German armies. Undoubtedly the French collapse at the time
was so complete and unexpected that it seemed to need some unusual
The Franco-Prussian War
This war between Prussia
and France
began as the result of a diplomatic incident between King William of Prussia
and a French government minister generated and hyped up by Bismarck
during a dispute over a German candidate for the Spanish throne. Troops from
other parts of the then existing German Confederation were involved but Prussia
provided most of the troops and Prussian Generals were in overall command.
The French armies were
defeated within a couple of months but Paris
held out for five months. French Emperor Napoleon III was deposed and replaced
by the 3rd Republic. During the siege of Paris,
the Germans proclaimed the new German Empire (Second Reich) at the Palace
of Versailles.
As part of the peace settlement France
lost the Alsace
and Lorraine
An Occult View of the War By C W
(Full Text)
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