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Nature is Conquered by Obedience

Can you get Karma working for you?

Yes, But there’s no quick fix

Posted 29/12/06

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In her article “Karma”, Annie Besant begins with this extract from A P Sinnett’s Occult World. The basic premise is that thoughts are things and that once they are generated, they become entities in their own right. The entities can be good or bad and as such create the environment that the thinker inhabits.


Working on the “As a man thinks, so he becomes” principle, positive thoughts will have an effect not just on other people but will also rebuild the thinker. You may have noticed that all religions seem to have “positive thinking” in their philosophy.


Extract from Karma by Annie Besant


“EVERY thought of man upon being evolved passes into the inner world, and becomes an active entity by associating itself, coalescing we might term it, with an elemental—that is to say, with one of the semi-intelligent forces of the kingdoms. It survives as an active intelligence—a creature of the mind's begetting—for a longer or shorter period proportionate with the original intensity of the cerebral action which generated it. Thus a good thought is perpetuated as an active, benefi­cent power, an evil one as a maleficent demon.


And so man is continually peopling his current in space with a world of his own, crowded with the offspring of his fancies, desires, impulses and passions; a current which reacts upon any sensitive or nervous organization which comes in

contact with it, in proportion to its dynamic intensity. The Buddhist calls it his "Skandha"; the Hindu gives it the name of " Karma". The Adept evolves these shapes consciously; other men throw them off unconsciously”


Having this knowledge enables you to take charge of your thought world and although you won’t have the skill of the Adept, you can at least make a conscious effort to create conscious thought.


Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. If you have been a fairly negative person then like a flywheel changing direction, you will find going over to positive thoughts a bit difficult but even just making the effort will generate some good Karma.

Of course you might enjoy being negative but then you probably wouldn’t have read this far – if you have? – please keep going.


Another problem is that except for very developed people, we are all haunted by the past with a Karmic overdraft that we will have to pay off and for which we can get reminders anytime. Annie Besant confirms this:-


“Of course, we never find ourselves initially

free, for we come into the world encumbered with these fetters of our own past making; but the process as regards each separate fetter runs the above round—the mind forges it, wears it, and while wearing it can file it through.”


However, one has to start somewhere and the first extract from “Karma” gives a key as to where to begin by referring to the intensity of thought in relation to its benefit or harm. Long standing grudges and hatreds, if you have any, will have to go, and if you often get angry then that is something worth looking at.


The writings of Dion Fortune contain examples of extreme anger generating malevolent thought forms that will become self sufficient and develop on their own. Occult wisdom dictates that these will eventually come back and attack you. Notice that as well as advocating positive thinking, most religions say “let it go”.


Annie Besant gives a similar description to Dion Fortune’s for the development of anger generated thought forms:-


“an angry thought will cause a flash of red, the thought-form vibrating so as to produce red; that flash of red is a summons to the elementals and they sweep in the direction of the summoner, and one of them enters into the thought-form, which gives it an inde­pendent activity of a destructive, disintegrating type.”


And of course thought forms good and bad will affect our Karma


“Angels and demons of our own creating throng round us on every side, makers of weal and woe to others, bringers of weal and woe to ourselves—verily, a karmic host.”


Trouble you cause to other people can ultimately  become more of a problem to yourself. The reverse is true, so it pays to send out a bit of good.


Annie Besant also outlines a further complication in that like attracts like and she explains the implications of this, which can produce long term problems for anyone who enjoys being negative and makes it part of their act.


“Not only does a man generate and send forth his own thought-forms, but he also serves as a magnet to draw towards himself the thought-forms of others from the astral plane around him, of the classes to which his own ensouled thought-forms

belong. He may thus attract to himself large reinforcements of energy from outside, and it lies within himself whether these forces that he draws into his own being from the external world shall be of a good or of an evil kind.”


Creating problems for the next time round.


Annie Besant points out that the tendencies we choose to develop in this life will become harder to resist in our next incarnation.


“The desire to do in one life reacts as compulsion to do in another, and it seems as though the desire worked as a demand upon Nature, to which she responds by affording the opportunity to perform.”



Back to the positive – how about developing the habit of stopping yourself when you go into a negative thought mode? If you make up your mind to like the world a bit more then the world might be a bit keener on you. Appreciating people’s needs has to be better than thriving on hassle.


Karma is not Random

Karma is an absolute law of cause and effect and the concept of randomness or accident just isn’t in the equation. The workings of Karma to the end user are often seen as “fate” which suggests the whim of a higher power but there is no effect without cause.

In this extract from Karma, Annie Besant postulates that Karma is a law of nature and like all such laws is reliable and can be worked with by those with knowledge and strategy.


“That we live in a realm of law, that we are sur­rounded by laws that we cannot break, this is a truism. Yet when the fact is recognized in a real -and vital way, and when it is seen to be a fact in the mental and moral world as much as in the physical, a certain sense of helplessness is apt to overpower us, as though we felt ourselves in the grip of some mighty power, that, seizing us, whirls us away whither it will. The very reverse of this is in reality the case, for the mighty power, when it is understood, will obedi­ently carry us whither we will: all forces in Nature can be used in proportion as they are understood—

" Nature is conquered by obedience "—and her resistless energies are at our bidding as soon as we, by knowledge, work with them and not against them. We can choose out of her boundless stores the forces that serve our purpose in momentum, in direction, and so on, and their very invariability becomes the guarantee of our success.

On the invariability of law depends the security of scientific experiment, and all power of planning a result and of predicting the future. On this the chemist rests, sure that Nature will ever respond in the same way, if he be precise in putting his questions. A variation in his results is taken by him as implying a change in his procedure, not a change in Nature. And so with all human action; the more it is based on knowledge, the more secure is it in its forecastings, for all " accident" is the result of ignorance, and is due to the working of laws whose presence was unknown or overlooked. In the mental and moral worlds, as much as in the physical, results can be foreseen, planned for, calculated on. Nature never betrays us; we are betrayed by our own blindness. In all worlds increasing knowledge means increasing power, and omniscience and omnipotence are one.

That law should be as invariable in the mental and moral worlds as in the physical is to be expected, since the universe is the emanation of the ONE, and what we call Law is but the expression of the Divine Nature. As there is one Life emanating all, so there is one Law sustaining all; the worlds rest on this rock of the Divine Nature as on a secure, immutable foundation.”



These are only brief extracts from “Karma” by Annie Besant, which is an extensive and comprehensive document on the subject.

Karma by Annie Besant (Complete text)


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